The Forestry Programme

The Forestry Programme (FP) remains a major contributor to Government rural development policy and continues to make a number of important contributions to the economy, environment and society in Ireland.

  • A contribution to the national economy currently estimated at €2.3 billion annually after both direct and induced effects are taken into account;
  • Providing sustainable rural employment (c. 12,000 jobs);
  • Underpinning an export-oriented forest products sector with 80% of wood based panel production being exported;
  • Making a significant and cost effective contribution to the National Climate Mitigation Plan through sequestration of carbon directly by forests and through the storage of carbon;
  • Contributing to the improvement of water quality and biodiversity in Ireland;
  • Contributing in a major way to the renewable energy sector in Ireland through the provision of 1.6 million cubic metres (m) of forest based biomass used for energy purposes in 2016;
  • Providing social and recreational facilities in every county in Ireland;