New Forestry Program
Ireland's New forestry program, 2023 - 2027, has been launched with a range of Forest Types (FT). From Native Planting (FT 1) to commercial timber (FT 12) and Native Tree Area (NTA 1 & 2) schemes, our professional foresters will provide the expertise to deliver your forestry and woodland creation.
The new Forest Strategy for Ireland underpins the new Forestry Programme for the period of 2023-2027. The Strategy’s overarching objectives are rooted in the three pillars of sustainability - People, Planet and Prosperity. These pillars guide the strategic objectives of the Strategy.
A quote from the guidelines for the new forestry program.
Under this program, farmers can avail of premiums for 20 years with values ranging from €1,142 per hectare (FT2 - Forests for Water) to €746 per hectare (mixed high forests, mainly Sitka Spruce, 20% broadleaves).
This program also introduces the Native Tree Area Scheme (NTA) which allows planting of up to 2 hectares with the requirement for an afforestation application.
The primary Afforestation Scheme objective, consistent with Forest Strategy goals in relation to Forest for Climate, Nature, Wood, People, and Forest for the Economy and Rural Development is to increase the area of Ireland’s forest estate by making progress towards the achievement of the following:
Increase Ireland’s forest cover to 18%;
Establishment of 8,000 ha of new diverse, multifunctional and climate resilient forests per annum (subject to the availability of funding and land);
Provide at least 50% of the national area afforested with broadleaved species and a require minimum per-application broadleaved species component (20% by area) during the programme period;
Encourage forest management practices in newly planted forests that result in continuous cover forest (CCF) management and forest retention, enhancing and supporting natural systems by linking existing habitats and new, dedicated forest biodiversity areas within established forests;
Expand and encourage appropriate management of new emergent native scrub forest with attendant biodiversity, habitat and ecosystem service enhancements;
Increase the area of new forest area used by members of the public for forest recreation, amenity, health and wellbeing by providing dedicated “open forests” and specific forest recreational and amenity facilities;
Increase the uptake of agroforestry systems for biodiversity, carbon sequestration, animal welfare and the production of high quality hardwood timber;
Develop forest-based biomass resources to support the circular and green economy in commercial and domestic markets;
Support carbon sequestration, climate change mitigation and forest resilience through appropriate species selection and sustainable forest management;
Provide a forest resource to support economic viability and sustainability of rural communities through increased use of wood and wood products in construction and energy production.
Forestry Management Plan A forest thrives under constant and consistent professional management. From initial establishment and seeking approval from the Forest Service, through to silvicultural maintenance with thinning and harvesting, to clearfell or continuous cover forestry, Green Belt's expert foresters are located nationally to support your forest activities. Read more about this service. |
Environmental Impact Statements For most applications to the Forest Service, there is a necessity for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). These reports address the impacts forestry may have on the environment within a 15km radius of the forest or proposed forest. Green Belt can facilitate this report and submit it to the Forest Service which is likely to expedite your application to approval. Read more about this service. |
Forestry Grants Green Belt provides a full management service for all our clients. Whether you established your forestry with us, have an existing forest or are now considering becoming involved in forestry, we can guide you through the necessary applications to make the most of your forest. Green Belt source, acquire and manage these plantations on your behalf. Read more about this service. |
Measure the Carbon and Biodiversity in your woodland Ireland has a very low level of forestry. It is widely accepted that forestry is uniquely placed as one of the most effective solutions available to Ireland to meet its climate targets. Read more about this service. |
Grants for Native Woodlands
FT 1 Native Forests FT1 comprises the creation of new native forest, principally to promote Native Forest biodiversity, biodiversity within the wider landscape, and other ecosystem services such as soil and water protection and landscape enhancement. |
Native Tree Area Scheme The Native Tree Area Scheme (NTA 1 & NTA 2) is a unique and novel approach that allows up to 2 hectares (5 acres) of land to be planted (afforestation) without the requirement to obtain an afforestation licence. As stated in the manual (download below), the objectives of the Schemes are: |
Nature Based Solutions - Biodiversity Net Gain Many individuals are doing what they can. But real success can only come if there is a change in our societies and in our economics and in our politics. Sir David Attenborough |
Forestry Establishment Grant & Premiums Forestry establishment is covered by a full, exchequer backed grant. This is to encourage further planting nationally to increase the national cover from below 11% to 18%. |
Get in touch with a Local Green Belt Advisor Our network of professional foresters located nationally are perfectly placed to source opportunities suitable for you and to manage your investment through to clearfell and beyond. |