Timber Harvesting
Timber harvesting is an essential silvicultural process for most forestry stands. Our professional foresters will guide you through the entire process.
Thinning and harvesting your plantation is a big decision. Your local forester works with you to determine the best options and plan for your forest. Harvesting at the right time, to the correct intensity and manging the process and works are just part of the professional services our expert foresters deliver.
We can provide a detailed analysis of the forest pre and post harvesting and monitor the impacts of frequency and volume of harvest. Our vision of forestry is long term and that can be where the greatest value and returns can be generated. You can find a harvesting calculator below.
Our team of professional foresters can expertly analyse your plantation and discuss the logistics of the harvesting operation with the design and construction of a forest road.
A felling licence is required to facilitate harvesting and very often a forest road will be necessary to provide sufficient access. A felling licence and associated road grant application are complex submissions, so with our in house ecology team, we will make this application process as smooth as possible. Once the licence has been issued, you benefit from the nationwide harvesting operations of Green Belt in improved timber pricing and performance.
Green Belt enjoys a strong working relationship with all the main sawmills across the country and as we work for you, the forest owner, the decision on harvesting contractor and sawmill is based on the best options for you.
Harvesting Trees - Estimated Harvesting Value
Green Belt Services
Thinning & Harvesting Thinning is an essential maintenance procedure for forests and it will enhance the future growth and production of your plantation towards clearfell. Thinning is the removal of a proportion of the trees in a crop. Read more about this service. |
Woodland Improvement Scheme Hardwoods are an integral part of the national estate. Developing a hardwood plantation can be challenging, but the woodland improvement scheme is designed to enhance your broadleaf plantations. There are two occasions this can be applied for. Read more about this service. |
Climate Resilient Reforestation Pilot scheme The DAFM has recently an addition to the latest forestry program titled The Climate Resilient Reforestation Pilot scheme. Read more about this service. |
Environmental Impact Statements For most applications to the Forest Service, there is a necessity for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). These reports address the impacts forestry may have on the environment within a 15km radius of the forest or proposed forest. Read more about this service. |
Forestry Grants Green Belt provides a full management service for all our clients. Whether you established your forestry with us, have an existing forest or are now considering becoming involved in forestry, we can guide you through the necessary applications to make the most of your forest. Read more about this service. |
Road Grants Forest roads are essential to develop sustainable access to your forest as it matures. A grant which covers approximately 80% of construction costs, is offered to allow a high standard of road to be built and developed into the plantation. Read more about this service. |
Selling your forest If you are considering selling your forest, you will want to get as much as possible for it. Green Belt will help you get the best return for your forest. Read more about this service. |
Timber Marketing Marketing is the process of selling timber to obtain its true fair market value. Achieving a reasonable financial return on a timber investment depends on many factors. Read more about this service. |
Get in touch with a Local Green Belt Advisor Our network of professional foresters located nationally are perfectly placed to source opportunities suitable for you and to manage your investment through to clearfell and beyond. |