Nature Positive Action

Nature Positive Action

Biodiversity and Nature

Biodiversity and Nature

Nature & Biodiversity enhancement project

Green Belt is actively developing a biodiversity focussed project with our client. They have acquired a 22 hectare site with a replanting obligation and they are pioneering a biodiversity and carbon centric approach to replanting.

Biodiversity is a critical element in the global ambition to reduce warming impacts to 1.5 degrees Celsius. There is an increasing awareness among corporate entities and their clients of the value of being Nature Positive. Biodiversity projects are perceived as ‘Above and Beyond’ measures and will form the basis for compliance reporting in formats such as SBTN, CSRD & TNFD.

Our hypothesis, would be that the site has some favourable characteristics for nature; areas of standing water, intact bog, and regenerating woodland but is overall degraded and in a transitional state at present. Biodiversity is low to moderate across most parameters but some groups may be doing well, like bats. Our focus as part of the enhancement plan will be to improve both the structural condition of the habitats and the abundance and diversity of species found on the site and within the wider area. We will aim to highlight the areas of high conservation value, identify opportunity areas for enhancement, and barriers to diversity (invasive species, scrub encroachment) and provide a workable plan of action with timelines to achieve the desired outcomes. The entire ecosystem of services is targeted to be local, dynamic and progressive. This will deliver exact and exceptional information and focus on the most important impacts and the positive reaction from the site to the initiatives employed.