Reconstitution Scheme for Ash Dieback
Chalara fraxinea, known as ash dieback disease, is a relatively newly described fungal disease of ash which was first named in 2006 and has spread rapidly across much of Europe, with the majority of European countries where ash is present now reporting the disease.
A number of species of Ash are susceptible to the disease including the Common ash (Fraxinus excelsior). The disease can affect ash trees of any age and in any setting. Death of the trees can occur, with younger trees (less than 10 years old) succumbing more rapidly.
The objective of this scheme is to restore forests affected by Hymenoscyphus fraxineus by supporting the removal and destruction of trees and leaf litter affected by the disease and the reconstitution of the forest with an alternative species to Ash. It is important that all leaf litter must is adequately destroyed.