ESG and Natural Capital Services
Companies are seeking to offset their Carbon footprint through local initiatives. One of the most effective routes to achieve these targets, is to plant forests and woodlands across Ireland.
Socially, it is an essential industry to support rural and local employment. Tree planters, truck drivers, timber harvesting and forestry management are all roles carried out by local people. Woodlands can provide a wonderful local amenity too, giving people an opportunity to take solace in a native woodland and forest and to enjoy the biodiversity present across all forests.
Green Belt works with you to identify your requirements, discuss a robust approach to address your needs, and provide forestry excellence in delivering your project.
Our team of professional foresters, in house ecology team and expert GIS panel, will produce the detailed reporting necessary to satisfy your stakeholders and customers.
Some of the solutions we provide include
Afforestation - the planting of new forests
Reforestation - improving soil health and biodiversity in replanting forests
Peatland rewetting - reducing the emissions from Irelands peatlands.
Renewable consultancy - providing the platform to potentially include renewables on your lands portfolio.
Contact us today to set up a consultation where we can work as part of your sustainability team and get it done. #YourForestYourFuture