SEEFA protest at Dáil Éireann
SEEFA, representing Ireland’s private forestry industry staged a protest on Kildare street on the 3rd of November. This protest was seen as the only option available to the industry in light of the lack of action and commitment from the Forest Service and the Department of Agriculture (DAFM).
At risk are more than 12,000 jobs in mainly rural communities within the industry. The issue is around the fact that there are more than 9 thousand licences for new tree planting, timber harvesting and road construction for forests.
This has led to an increase in timber products prices for construction. Irish timber is in high demand for all aspects of construction.
Further to this is stark loss of potential carbon capture in lands left unplanted - this has been calculated at a conservative 500,000 tons of Carbon. When it is put in context with the current COP26, it is easy to see why Teige Ryan from None So Hardy nurseries and SEEFA said it has been a COP OUT by the department.