McKinnon Report has been published
The McKinnon report, commissioned by the Department of Agriculture, has been published. It focuses on the Application Approval Process for Afforestation in Ireland. A similar report was published on the Scottish afforestation program and approvals and it has resulted in a significant increase in approvals and planting rates across Scotland. All these approvals are in line with environmental and ecological conditions and the forestry industry in Ireland is encouraged that the report into Irish approvals will have a similar impact. Recently, there has been a significant slow down and in some cases halt, to afforestation approvals in Ireland. There are numerous factors behind this scenario but the industry has come together to campaign strongly to overcome these issues. The industry, through its representative body Forest Industries Ireland , will continue to apply all the pressure necessary on the Minister and his department to make sure a vibrant, profitable and necessary industry is given the full opportunity to continue to succeed. The McKinnon report is below.