Agroforestry - an option for your farm
What Agroforestry is
The Agroforestry option of the Afforestation Scheme provides financial support to grow trees on land being used for farming. The system gives land owners the flexibility to graze and even cut silage and hay while growing trees for timber in the same field.
Stocking rate Agroforestry can involve pasture, grazing, silage and hay. Other systems may be considered on a site to site basis as long as the tree stocking rate is between 400-1000 trees per hectare, it is at least 0.5 of a hectare and at least 20 meters wide. The trees will be thinned out in time reducing numbers to between 160-250 trees per hectare. This will allow enough light to filter through the canopy enabling continued grass growth. Trees must be protected against browsing animals with tree shelters, fencing or both. You can further improve the environmental performance of your farm by using biodegradable tree shelters, exclusively available from Green Belt.
These are some of the benefits of agroforestry:
- It can produce veneer quality timber
- Trees improve land drainage
- The root structure prevents nutrient runoff and reduces sedimentation of nearby water courses
- Agroforestry enhances animal welfare
- Planting Native trees improves biodiversity and habitats
- A woodland enhances the landscape
Green Belt is expert at developing Agroforestry projects and will guide you through the entire process, ensuring success on your farm.